December 20, 2005

Under the Volcano, Part Two

A few particularly vivid memories from an all-too-brief visit to the Mount Etna region of Sicily.

First, in the town of Giarre, on the fall line from Etna's crater to the sea, a cup of unctuous, silky-smooth hot chocolate.

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Finocchiaro, housed in a stone building dating from 1914, is filled with all sorts of confections produced by parent company, Dolfin, known throughout the land for its penguin-shaped ice pops. Recent deal with Coca-Cola to produce Christmas packs. Inside, without fanfare, I'm served a melted chocolate drink so rich I savored it with a tiny spoon. Would tell you more but I didn't take notes, figuring I'd consult the website mentioned in Finocchiaro's brochure. Ah, but this is Sicily:, doesn't exist.

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Next evening, on the Piazza del Duomo in the provincial capital of Catania, ducked into a cafe for a late-night pick-me-up. Your best local grappa, I asked the barman. He poured a generous glass of crystal-clear brandy from J. Milazzo, a winery on Sicily's southern coast and distilled from their nero d'avola grapes.

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Now, most grappa sold in the US is so strong, so volatile that it scares the paint off the walls, right? Not this one. A subtle bouquet of berries, mild and sweet on the palate, it could single-handedly restore grappa to respectability. Sure, it did cost three times as much (about $6) as the paint thinner, but, wow! Worth every penny.

Tomorrow: wine touring on Mount Etna.

Posted by Ronald Holden at December 20, 2005 10:51 PM

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