December 23, 2005

Etna's Challenge

So it's not Tuscany, with its enchanting landscape of dramatic hilltowns and stately villas of golden stone. But Sicily, at the very center of the Mediterranean, has centuries of history and a romance all its own. And it has Mount Etna.

Etna in sudden sunshine.jpg BuyEtna logo.JPG

The organizers of any tourism conference have divided loyalties. On the one hand, they're hosting journalists and tour operators from around the world to visit their region; on the other hand, it's the local guys--convention & visitor bureaus, the big bus companies, the airport authority, consortiums of mom & pop agriturismos--who pay the bills. The local guys have political connections, which gets them a budget to "promote tourism," but rarely with an agreement on what features to promote or how to go about it.

Which brings us to BuyEtna. If they're really going to build that bridge across the Straits of Messina, more tourists will drive to Sicily, and more of them will stay in the farmhouse bed & breakfasts on Etna. If they're really going to put an intercontinental airport in the middle of the island, more tourists will visit Catania, Acireale and Taormina. But are the innkeepers ready to invest in upgraded facilities, more staff, better language training? Are the local politicians willing to fund less glamorous transportation projects like secondary roads? And the biggest question of all: can Sicily absorb another 10 million visitors without losing the charm that makes it so attractive in the first place?

Questions to ponder.

Tartelettes in shop1.jpg Purple cauliflower in Acireale.JPG

Holiday shopwindow.JPG Fast-food stand in Catania.jpg

Posted by Ronald Holden at December 23, 2005 3:31 PM

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