February 4, 2006

Four for the road

And they're off, the leading ladies of Seattle's culinary stage, to do a couple of cameo performances in Washington, DC.

chef_h_smith.jpg tamaramurphy_headshot_large.png Chris Keff.jpg bio_sue.jpg
Chefs Smith, Murphy, Keff, McCown

Here's their schedule: Monday, at a fund-raiser for Sen. Hilary Rodham Clinton, a "dine-around" reception for 100 guests:

Holly Smith of Cafe Juanita: Wagyu Carne Cruda with Truffled Lardo Crostini
Tamara Murphy of Brasa: Smoked Salmon Tartar with Creme Fraiche, Paddlefish Caviar and Walnut Golden Raisin Crostini
Christine Keff of Flying Fish: Spicy Bigeye Tuna Cones
Sue McCown of Earth & Ocean: "Sweet Oysters on the Half-Shell" and Triple Chocolate Shortbread Cookies

Then on Tuesday, a fund-raiser for Sen. Maria Cantwell, a sit-down dinner for 25:

Smith: Squab Tortellini with Ginger Squab Brodo with Delicata Squash
Murphy: Rack of Suckling Pig with Chorizo, Clams and Pickled Shallots
Keff: Wild King Salmon with Fermented Black Bean Vinaigrette and Cucumber Salad
McCown: Lemon Soaked Cake with Preserved Huckleberries

Sen. Cantwell has a huge 12th Man poster in her office, natch. Don't know what's in store for the Hawks on Sunday in Detroit but the ladies can't lose, can they? Meantime, Sue, can I have an extra one of those sweet oysters, pretty please?

Posted by Ronald Holden at February 4, 2006 12:40 AM

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