February 5, 2006

Salty of the earth

It's no wonder that banquet chefs at successful restaurants are easy-going types. They're rarely the owners, they've got a dedicated sales force, and their customers are getting a free meal: pressure's off! Still, banquet chefs don't get nearly enough respect. Who else is going to plate up 200 salmon fillets for your cousin's wedding or stand guard behind the baron of beef at the corporate reception?

wavyskyline.gif Banquet chef Noah Maikisch.JPG

Noah Maikisch has been at Salty's on Alki for 7 of his 33 years, running the kitchen for one of the Seattle's busiest banquets-and-catering operations. (The others: the Space Needle, Ray's Boathouse, and the major hotels.)

Sure, it's a great view, but it's the combination of skyline, food and welcome that make Salty's reputation. Get it right, keep it on track (800 brunches on weekends, respectable wine list, a string of "favorite" and "best of" awards from the media) and the wedding planners and corporate event mavens will follow.

Salty's, 1936 Harbor Ave. SW, Seattle, 206-937-1600
Salty's on Alki on Urbanspoon

Posted by Ronald Holden at February 5, 2006 1:43 PM

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Perhaps Richard and Jay--both connoisseurs of good food and fine wine--miss the point. Salty's isn't Rover's, Mistral or Cascadia, doesn't try to be, doesn't want to be. What it does do is to provide a venue with decent food for large numbers of people--locals, out-of-town guests--to celebrate special occasions and enjoy the city's spectacular skyline. Go for lunch on a nice day, order some grilled salmon and a glass of sauvignon blanc, and just appreciate life in Seattle. And no quibbles about the price, my friends. The view alone is worth 20 bucks.

Posted by: Ronald at February 6, 2006 2:56 PM

It may be good for crowds, but Salty's is an abomination.

Posted by: Jay Conte at February 6, 2006 10:09 AM

I must say that I have personally read over 4,000 -7,000 comment cards that were written by guests of Salty's Seafood Grills. Had that experience while helping on a project. The cards that had positive comments far exceeded the small handful of negative ones. I would say that is pretty good statistics. With that in mind, I would recommend that people who haven't been to Salty's for a while should return. Great service and great food. Oh, did I forget to say, incredible view too! Dave Mintz

Posted by: David Mintz at February 5, 2006 3:34 PM

Jerry's Salty's is one of the worst in town, .Eccept for the view!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Posted by: Richard Griffiths at February 5, 2006 3:05 PM