How come we're not convinced this a good thing? Hollow swizzle sticks made out of genetically engineered celery, for the love of God. From Florida, as if we couldn't guess.
A Bloody Mary should help us recover from the night before, make us swear we'll never again drink Hennessey shooters (at least not that many, that early in the night), make us grateful for the restorative powers of tomato juice and vodka. Not weird us out. Is that too much to ask?
And, in keeping with the title of the post, here's another. Wine Spectator sends a fresh circular asking for renewals, etc. The latest, received yesterday, offers $25 off "Holiday Gift Subscriptions." In January. Marvin (yes you! in the photo on the right), were you thinking of the Islamic Day of Ashura, perhaps? Coming up on the 29th it is, sure to be a great market-expanding opportunity for the magazine, no?
Finally, it's time to suck it up! The infidels are pulling ahead! Remember, all ye loyal followers, ye can vote once every 24 hours for Cornichon in the poll for "Top Wine & Food Blog." Cornichon thanks ye all.
Posted by Ronald Holden at January 8, 2007 1:12 AM
French Chef Sally is my friend Sally McArthur, who hosts luxurious,
week-long cooking classes at the Chateau du Riveau in the Loire Valley.
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