March 6, 2007

And we're back!

Server was down for ten days. You could see us, but we couldn't see you. Still can't upload thumbnails, so multiple images will have to wait ...

Picking up where we left off, with Mount Gay rum, Elliott's Oyster House did a "Get Your Rum On" dinner last night. Unlike Marazul's bizarre cocktails, Mount Gay Extra Old was just fine served neat, tasted surprisingly sweet.

Rum dinner lineup sm.JPG Tom Arthur makes Cafe Diablo sm.JPG

Best-tasting dish: Jamaican Jerked Ahi Tuna with sugar-cane seasoned rice cabbage rolls. Served with a shot of Bacardi 8 Reserva Superior. A bit on the clunky side for anyone who's ever eaten sushi rolls at Shiro's, but that's hardly the point, it, Matey?

Most successful matchup: Pyrat with pecan-seared Mahi-Mahi from Costa Rica. Plate came with sweet potato fries and a fussy compote of bananas and habaneros set off with a fresh herb salad dressed with passion-fruit vinaigrette. Fortunately, the best rum of the night, Pyrat XO Reserve, smoothed everything out.

Flames lit up the night as floor manager Tom Arthur concocted a Cafe Diablo foritifed with Remy Martin cognac, Galliano and Sailor Jerry rum.

As we've mentioned here in the past, rum's a drink that's part of seafaring history. You wouldn't want to eat six course feast like this every night, but it's a refreshing new take on food & wine dinners. Elliott's rum promotion runs through March.

A travel note: Cornichon's off to Paris tonight on the start of a monthlong road trip. Will keep you posted, literally.

Posted by Ronald Holden at March 6, 2007 12:57 PM

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