Woke up in Paris this morning, glorious sunshine, bustling market on the rue Montorgueil. Bakery sells exquisite, baguette-like loaf called La Flûte Gana; will get photo tomorrow.
Online, check the Seattle Times: feature in the Pacific Northwest supplement on the Ozette potato. Looks familiar! Ah, that's right, it's a story we ran here on Cornichon almost four months ago, back when it was, er, "news." Way to go, Times!
Friday's Post-Intelligencer had long-awaited review of Sorrentino. Fill-in restaurant writer Leslie Kelly was disappointed that Mamma Enza hadn't stopped by her table at a dinner where she and a friend ordered enough for a party of four (and then complained that the bill was $150). I was saddened by the review; so was Enza, whose English is halting and who hasn't mastered the role of gladhanding host. I could post a really snarky blog entry, but Enza's going to turn the other cheek. "I want to write her a thank-you note," she told me. "But it will have to be in Italian."
French Chef Sally is my friend Sally McArthur, who hosts luxurious,
week-long cooking classes at the Chateau du Riveau in the Loire Valley.
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