What's that horn? My own? You don't say! All the way to Strasbourg comes a clipping from the latest Seattle Magazine naming Best Restaurants as well as Best Food Blogs.
So here's the first entry, by Matthew Amster-Burton:
Cornichon (cornichon.org) Ronald
Holden is a PR agent by day and Belltown's boulevardier by night; he
never misses a grand opening and never
holds back with his opinion. (Full disclosure: Holden once called me a
"normally reliable freelance foodie," which I'm pretty sure is a compliment.)
He's also serious about wine, a topic few other local food bloggers broach, and
has reported live from France and Italy.
True, Mamster (as he calls himself) and Cornichon have had disagreements, but over the long haul it's more of a mutual admiration society. In addition to restaurant writing for the Seattle Times, he ran the Northwest Forum for egullet.com and kept a terrific blog called Grubshack, which he retired when his daughter, Iris, was born. His latest blog, no less terrific, is called Roots And Grubs. Class act.
"Belltown's boulevardier"...has nice ring to it, don't you think? The last boulevardier we knew was Maurice Chevalier.
Posted by Ronald Holden at March 29, 2007 12:07 AM
French Chef Sally is my friend Sally McArthur, who hosts luxurious,
week-long cooking classes at the Chateau du Riveau in the Loire Valley.
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VinoLover, Seattle wine promoter David LeClaire's bulletin board of tastings,
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Wine Educator Dieter Schafer maintains a full schedule
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for amateur wine drinkers and professional alike.
Nat Decants, a free wine e-newsletter from Natalie MacLean, recently named the World's Best Drink Writer at the World Food Media Awards in Australia. Wine picks, articles and humor; no ads.