Saturday's World-Cup rematch between France and Italy brings together a couple dozen Seattle restaurateurs to root raucously for les Bleus...or cheer boisterously for gli Azzuri.
The venue is a plasma TV at Sorrentino's, on Queen Anne, hallowed ground of sorts, since Mamma Enza comes as close as anyone in town to wearing the mantle of culinary Godmother. (She serves Sicilian arancini and homemade lasagna.)
Friendly rivals, it turns out, on their best behavior, since half the folks in the room, at some point since their arrival in the US, have worked for the other half. An extended international family, if you will. Alas, the play (on the field in Milan) is lackluster and defensive. Match nul or pareggio, depending on one's sympathies. So dull it could give rancorous international conflicts a bad name.
Posted by Ronald Holden at September 9, 2007 9:05 AM
French Chef Sally is my friend Sally McArthur, who hosts luxurious,
week-long cooking classes at the Chateau du Riveau in the Loire Valley.
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