November 28, 2007

Afoot in Belltown

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Looking into Txori from the sidwalk; one of the pintxos

One wanders.

¡Mira! is no more. Not even the upside-down exclamation point was able to save it from the, er, difficult location (basement of the Labor Temple). Intrepidly going where so many others have failed is the Middle-Eastern Zaina, installing a clone of its Pioneer Square falafel stand in subterranean Belltown.

Cafe Minnie’s is no more. Belltown’s greasiest greasy spoon, and only 24-hour joint at that, was finally done in, not by crappy food and crappy service but by the ban on indoor smoking. That's the owner's story, and he's sticking to it.

Now, the guys behind the Virginia Inn Tavern, they know all about smoke-free. Never allowed a leaf or a curl in the joint since it opened. And are they crying? Nope! They're taking over the former gallery space next door and building themselves a full-fledged kitchen. Follow the details on the News page of

And lo, we come upon Txori. Part of the recolonization of Belltown by Madison Park. (Outbound, lest we forget, Café Presse and Quinn; inbound, the culinary influence of Crush on The Local Vine.)

Hey! You can get a short glass of Stella for two bucks! It's called a zurito. And a gilda (anchovy, olive and peppers on a crunchy slice of bread) for $3.50. Haven't had this much fun standing at a counter since, well, tapas in Spain.

Txori, 2207 2nd Avenue, 206.204.9771 Txori Bar on Urbanspoon

Posted by Ronald Holden at November 28, 2007 9:52 AM | TrackBack

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