January 9, 2008


Absinthe%20bar%20in%20Paris.JPG Absinthe-glass.jpg
The green fairy of absinthe: Myth or ...?

There's a place called l'Absinthe in Paris, on a charming square near the Opera Garnier, with an improbable "New York" decor (featuring a giant clock face). It's part of Michel Rostang's restaurant group, the first Michelin-star chef to open informal bistros next door to his fancy properties. But despite its name, it doesn't actually serve any absinthe. Real absinthe, stuff of mystery and legend, is perhaps the most maligned of drinks.

Painters from Degas to Van Gogh to Picasso have portrayed its magic. Edward Rothstein, fellow Yalie and former music critic at the NYTimes, reviewed the mystical powers of absinthe in a recent column. Three years ago, Seattle Weekly had a long piece about the underground culture of absinthe in Seattle.

Slowly but surely, absinthe has been making its way into local bars and liquor stores. Now, an outfit called Buy Absinthe aims to keep the momentum going, with a website as well as a Buy Absinthe blog to answer your pressing questions.

Absinthe itself isn't illegal; the villain would be a psycho-active chemical called thujone that could cause hallucinations. Modern absinthe doesn't contain enough thujone to harm a cat, let alone create visions of green fairies.

If you can't find absinthe (and absinthe paraphernalia, like spoons and glassware) locally, you can order it online. And if all this sounds like an advertisement, well, it is.

Posted by Ronald Holden at January 9, 2008 8:14 AM | TrackBack

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The site that you've mention is under dispute and that is certainly not a good sign...

Absinthe is now purported to be legal in the US as long as it is THUJONE FREE! How strange as Absinthe is made from Artemisia Absinthium, the herb that gives Absinthe it’s name, and produces Thujone so what is the truth are they selling Absinthe?

I have been absinthe drinker for a while now and you can buy absinthe online from many vendors, I usually shop at Real Absinthe - www.OriginalAbsinthe.com - as they ship real absinthe with thujone to the US quite quickly.

Posted by: Michael at January 14, 2008 3:54 AM

"Modern absinthe doesn't contain enough thujone to..."

Neither did pre-ban absinthe. There is probably more thujone in your Thanksgiving dressing then in an entire bottle of true absinthe.

The only way to get any significant level of thujone in absinthe is to make "faux" absinthe, which you wouldn't want to drink anyway, because it tastes pretty nasty.

In addition to reading Paul Clarke's great article about Absinthe in this months "Imbibe" magazine, people curious about more information can check out the FAQ over on the Wormwood Soceities website here:

Posted by: Robert Hess at January 11, 2008 1:12 PM
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