June 6, 2008

Don't Go There

El%20Santo%20cocktail%20at%20Saint.JPGThe Saint Social Club, in a lurid, turquoise blue building on Capitol Hill, claims to offer "Tequila Salvation." The menu talks a good game, promising handmade tortillas, salsas and soups; fresh juices, syrups and infusions, and a cocktail list of "timeless classics and original creations." The drink we ordered, an $11 El Santo, was composed of Sauza Hornitos Reposado, Cointreau and sour-mix-from-scratch. A saintly cocktail (although surely one of the minor saints), prepared by a barkeep named Gloria, who didn't know whether or when The Saint offered a happy hour. They do, until 6, but not on the drinks. Saint on Urbanspoon

Buffalo Deli, a storefront on First Avenue in Belltown, offers an array of lunchtime, takeout sandwiches for $7.50, including a BLT with thick-cut peppered bacon and Bibb lettuce. What's with this sudden mania for peppered bacon in Seattle? Deli sandwiches are supposed to have thin-sliced meat, no? So you don't have to chomp through the whole mess at once and dribble mayonnaise down your shirt. Regular bacon, crispy-crisp, please! And if you're going to put your website address, BuffaloDeli.com, in neon on the front window, folks, you should seriously consider actually having a website with that address. Buffalo Deli on Urbanspoon

Wann Izakaya, also in Belltown, has a whole Happy Hour menu, too many to try all at once. So had a plain sake, perfectly okay, and a couple of snacks. The kurabota pork sausages (Japanese black hog) just tasted like old breakfast links; the "fried angel hair" was worse: deep-fried cappellini, sprinkled with kosher salt. Imagine eating an old broom, and eat those crispy stalks you probably will, but you'll hate yourself for every bite. Wann Japanese Izakaya on Urbanspoon

Posted by Ronald Holden at June 6, 2008 4:30 PM | TrackBack

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