Unexpected good news for the New Year: Cornichon is on About.com's list of the internet's Top 10 Food Blogs Good Enough to Eat !
About.com, recently purchased by the New York Times, is a compendium of information written by some 500 outside experts and specialists in fields as diverse as electronics and foreign languages. In this case, the basic category was Food & Drink, leading to Gourmet Food, then to Media for Foodies. A chef named Brett Moore made the picks, including blogs from Mexico, Vietnam, France and the US.
I truly don't know what to say. Seattle alone has half a dozen terrific food blogs (Mamster's Roots and Grubs, Kate Hopkins's Accidental Hedonist, Viv's prolific Seattle Bon Vivant); the internet is chock-a-block with mouthwatering blogs. Rarefied company indeed to be on the list.
Footnote: Paris-based pastry chef David Lebovitz, on the Top 10 list with his own blog, www.davidlebovitz.com, is also a host for InTouch Travel, a Seattle company that matches adventurous travelers with local experts in half a dozen countries. (InTouch has a big ad in the right-hand column of this site.) I'm a host, too, and editorial director for the InTouch website. Kudos to InTouch founder Andrea Nims for having two out of the Top Ten bloggers on her roster!