Camel is Mona, dude is Barry, location is across from San Juan Winery on Lopez Island. Latte, if you look closely, is from Tully's. As for the matzoh balls, they appeared--unrelated to the camel--in the course of a very pleasant seder in Seattle. You want more information? Really? Read it here.
A perfectly set table for passover! But, then we'd never expect anything less from the Master.
I lay even odds the tulips are freshly cut and purchased at the "Market". The vase looks familiar, oui?
Kinda looks like your vase, but no. Tulips, yes, from the Market. Haggadah imported from Ohio.
Great photos, Ron.
When are you going to go to work for Gourmet, Food and Wine, Bon Appetit, Wine Spectator, Wine Enthusiast, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, Playboy, .............?
Thanks for all the kind words, David. I didn't take the camel photo, however. My camera is a dinky little thing, the Nikon Coolpix 2500, set at a relatively low res. Better pix, higher res, at Brenda Pederson's two sites, and
I can't believe it, my co-worker just bought a car for $11685. Isn't that crazy!