What's for dinner?


Literally at the last minute, Chicago chefs are looking up from their sauté pans and asking, "Hey, why you guys picking on me?"

Foie Gras on the hoof.JPG
Foie gras on the hoof at a farm in the Dordogne.

The Windy City's fatwah against foie gras is slated to go into effect next week, but it's taken months for restaurant owners to take matters into their own hands. The Artisan Farmers Association and a new group called Chicago Chefs for Choice announce they'll challenge the ban. The local restaurant association weighs in as well, saying, "We believe the City Council does not have a right to tell people what to have for dinner."

If we believe in keeping the government out of our bedrooms, we shouldn't let them inspect our dinner plates, either.


Right. Who wants these regulations shoved down their throat?

I'm probably just bias because I love Foie gras, and would hate for this ban to spread.

But I've seen Foie gras "farms" and I've seen egg "farms"... and I know which one that I think is least humane between the two. I would absolutely hate to be one of those chickens. Their entire life is one of constant suffering.

Ask the self-important city council members if they have ever had pate (with an accent, assuming they would know what that is) or if their moms ever fixed liverwurst sandwiches or if they even have a clue about the actual feeding of the designated goose/duck birds designated to be pate suppliers? As previously mentioned, I have pwersonally watched the tri-daily feeding of geese designated for this honor. When the provider walks into the feeding area the geese flock immediately to the person doing the feeding. Does one suppose that if the geese considered their feeding punishment, or unpleasant, they would act thusly? If geese/ducks could talk English, or in this illustation, French, they would simultaneously cry, "Chicago council, mind your own business, go look for a golden egg somewhere else upon which to build your credibility."

to Allan:
A perfect metaphor! Bravo!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Cornichon published on August 15, 2006 10:15 AM.

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Recent Comments

  • Dave L.: to Allan: A perfect metaphor! Bravo! read more
  • Dave L.: Ask the self-important city council members if they have ever read more
  • Robert: I'm probably just bias because I love Foie gras, and read more
  • Allan: Right. Who wants these regulations shoved down their throat? read more