Have Cornichon's phones stopped talking to each other? Wine from Venus, draught from Mars? Seriously, folks: where was this picture taken?

Bonus: name 5 things in the photo that start with B. Reply in the comments. Prize? What, fame & glory not enough? Okay, okay, will send a jar of pickles.
Beer, Blackberry, Bouvgtel, Bier(something), Bordeaux. Pickles? Okay Ronaldo, having a little fun I see in Paris?
Bier(e?), Beer, Bottle, Bordeaux, Blackberry, Battery, Browser, Buttons, Base (of glass), Bouygtel -- I think I need a drink.........
Very good, Debbie !! Except that it's not Bordeaux...
bierre, bouygues, bordeaux, blanc, batteries, blog, et pourquoi pas Bodet ?
Vraiment on s'amuse beaucoup à te lire, cela fait du bien après avoir travaillé sur les tableaux Exel !!!