Maximum interest in miniburgers

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"Sliders" in Chicago, miniburgers at Cascadia

The Windy City has awakened to the news that Americans love miniburgers. We're glad the food writers at the Chicago Tribune finally noticed.

"We like small things," [restaurant owner Jonathan] Segal says. "People, especially females, like the portion size. And burgers pretty much are the all-American sandwich."

Especially females? Thank heavens, in Seattle, Cascadia's miniburgers are a unisex treat, even if the price has gone up to $2 per each.

Those with fond memories of the original White Castle "slyders" (as they're now called), you can get 'em frozen by the bagful at QFC and Safeway, but the closest actual White Castle restaurant would be Minneapolis, just off the I-35 freeway. Oops.

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This page contains a single entry by Cornichon published on August 2, 2007 1:47 PM.

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