Really? Have you seen the commercials for this stuff, where vividly bright food coloring gets squirted into a perfectly good glass of H2O? And this is supposed to make "water" taste better? Whatever happened to "For 2¢ Plain," we ask? That look at life in the segregated South, by Harry Golden, the progressive publisher of The Carolina Israelite, can be read as wistful today, but nostalgia ain't what it used to be. Thank goodness we've moved past the whites-only lunch counter.
But the next time you pass a fruit vending machine that passes off flavored water as a healthy alternative to candy bars, ask yourself why. Is it for good health or for the vending machine franchise? The answer came from Harry Golden as well. He titled his next book, "Only in America."
Should append this link to a Cornichon post, four years ago, about a mineral-water tasting in France.
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