Now I ask you, isn't that platter something to behold? A thing of beauty. Two dozen Virginicas, a baker's dozen Olympias. Fresh off the beach at Totten Inlet, perfectly shucked (by Tom Stocks, the assistant store manager), served up at the new Taylor Shellfish retail outlet on Capitol Hill. Unshucked, the Virginicas are $13 a dozen, the Olympias $12. Stocks will hit you up for $5 to shuck the first dozen, $2 a dozen after that. By my math, that platter runs $47. It fed four of us quite regally.
We (myself, oyster guru Jon Rowley, Chelsea Solomon of Dry Soda, and a friend of hers who was visiting from New Orleans) drank a 2009 Chateau Ste. Michelle Sauvignon Blanc, one of this year's West Coast Oyster Wine winners. We also polished off about three pounds of Totten Inlet mussels ($4.95 a pound). More pictures on my Facebook album.
Taylor Shellfish Farms, 1521 Melrose Ave., Seattle, 206-501-4321
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