The Sins of the Father

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Chat Couronneau 2010.JPG

Château Couronneau, 60 miles east of Bordeaux, produces prize-winning organic wines.

Bordeaux-chair.jpgClint, I liked it better when you were talking about how it was half-time in America. The things you said to that chair? For shame, Clint. Next time, write it down and read it over before you go live on national teevee. But your kid, now that's another story. Remember him? Kyle Eastwood, the composer?

Young Eastwood's latest album, Songs from the Chateau, was recorded two summers ago, in France. "Chateau Couronneau in Bordeaux country in France turned out to be the ideal place to give free rein to the band's individual and collective talents," according to the album's liner notes. One of the cuts is titled "Moon Over Couronneau." Made my day.

Cornichon turned up at the same chateau a few weeks later, to watch the harvest.Our delegation of wine writers was invited and hosted by the Syndicat Viticole of Bordeaux & Bordeaux Supérieur, the umbrella organization for some 4,000 growers and their annual production of 500 million bottles of wine. We tried, but we couldn't drink it all.

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This page contains a single entry by Cornichon published on September 3, 2012 8:00 AM.

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