They Shoot Horses, Update

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Horse visits.JPGDo you remember this post on Cornichon not quite two years ago? We complained about a Seattle Times piece that lamented the practice of sending out-of-date, surplus race horses to Canada for slaughter.

All very well to rescue washed-up Greyhounds no longer agile enough to chase Rusty around the track. Very trendy, too. A nag? Awkward to walk around the neighborhood (neigh!-borhood, get it?), harder to bring into the condo elevator.

So what's a good liberal to do? There's an easy answer, outside the USA. Eat the damn thing, already!

But now, even that's not good enough anymore, according to the latest reporting by the NY Times..

There's a worldwide market for horsemeat, okay? People everywhere eat Dobbin, just not in the US of A. Even if we wanted to, Pogo, our gummint won't let us. No licensed slaughterhouses for equines. So all those worn out nags get shipped to Canada and Mexico to be dispatched, and their carcasses get shipped off to God knows where.

Except God does know. And the buyers are saying, eh, not-so-fast, Kemosabe. Those 'Merkin race horses are full of dope. Because race horses in North America are, you know, shot full of steroid and shit. Even if this here carcass wasn't a race horse, how can we be sure?

It's the ultimate irony. The rest of the world won't even eat our cast-offs, our broken-down mudders, our expired plough horses. Eat them ourselves? Get serious, that stuff's poison.

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This page contains a single entry by Cornichon published on December 8, 2012 9:30 PM.

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