Pi Day rolls around yet again

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Pizza in Ballard.JPGOnly in America, where we write MM DD YYYY, does this even make sense, 03 14 2014. Three-point-one-four-one-five-nine. The mathematical constant. The formula for the surface area of a circle: π2. You're supposed to say "Pie aren't square, pie are round." Noted.

A whole pie, round, at Ballard Pizza Company, runs $20 to $24, depending on toppings. You can buy "fat" slices, too, $3.50 or $4, depending.

To help celebrate the day, our good friend and piemaster Kate McDermott offered a couple of free spots at Pie Cottage in Port Angles for today's pie-making class. McDermott's blog won a "best of" nomination from the IACP last month, a huge honor.

And Slate.com has a pi piece, too. A piece of the pi. Yeah, got it.

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