What is it with Seattle? Just a bit too eager to hand over the big bucks? Last week it was a dude named Drew Morrison, who set himself up as "City Guru" and took people's money in exchange for non-existent events. Small potatoes. Then there was Michael Mastro, the Seattle tycoon whose real estate empire based on borrowed bucks collapsed a few years back, but not before Madame Mastro smuggled a $30 million diamond ring into France.
Now Lobsang Dargey is back in the news. He's the developer who sold shares in his projects to wealthy Chinese families (they were going to receive EB-5 visas) and at this point has several holes in the ground. But they're not going to be filled in soon, according to the Puget Sound Business Journal. A federal judge has told him to turn over the keys, according to today's news. The other project? Also on hold.
I feel bad for the kids, who got dragged into this mess for the ground-breaking photo op. For shame, sir, for shame.
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