March 14, 2006

Gift horse

Is Starbucks out to sabotage the American work ethic? So it would seem: they'll be giving away coffee from 10 to noon tomorrow at more than 7,500 of their stores. Half a million 12-ounce Talls.

It would be churlish to point out that a Starbucks Tall is what others call a regular, or even a small. And it's just the brewed coffee. Those lattes, cappuccinos, Tazos and their ilk aren't part of the freebie.

Starbucks Iced Coffee.JPG

Which is just as well. In fact, maybe it's time to make a list of things you shouldn't drink at Starbucks.

* The whole line of Frappuccino drinks: way too many calories from sugar and fat
* Chantico Chocolate Drinking Chocolate: icky, too sweet
* Those dreadful holiday concoctions: eggnog is a drink of its own, not a flavor!
* Last month's Cinnamon Swirl latte: muddy spice flavor
* This month's Marble Mocha macchiato: ugh! Like drinking a sticky Oreo through a chain link fence.
* The new Canned Iced Coffee: thin, watery and overly sweet (23 grams of sugar).

Isn't it time we recognized that Starbucks is no longer a coffee house but a candy store? An urban dessert bar called, er, Brokebucks? Sweet, seductive, even addictive, but ultimately unhealthy? Trouble is, we don't know how to quit you.

Posted by Ronald Holden at March 14, 2006 4:27 PM