How to tell Jon Rowley's dating service from Deborah Jean Palfrey's:
Business entity
• Palfrey: Pamela Martin & Associates
• Rowley: Taylor Shellfish Farms
Business activity
• Palfrey: as DC Madam, offers adult fantasy service
• Rowley: as lifestyle guru, offers sensory compatability research
Client base includes
• Palfrey: Department of State
• Rowley: Department of Ecology
Operating environment
• Palfrey: hot water
• Rowley: cold water
Locations include
• Palfrey: Washington DC
• Rowley: Washington coast
Physical characteristics
• Palfrey: (one assumes) soft, clean
• Rowley: crisp, clean
Services involved
• Palfrey: hookers
• Rowley: bivalves
Latest news
• Palfrey: former client resigns as assistant Secretary of State
• Rowley: announces best wine-oyster matches for 2007
Posted by Ronald Holden at April 28, 2007 11:05 AMTrue, true, Shelly, but it's not for want of trying. Some 29 Washington wines were entered in the competition according to the website (
We can only assume that the Oregon and California wines proved more suitable.
Isn't it too bad that no Washington wines are on this list! You'd think that with our shellfish industry, at least one enterprising winemaker up here would partner with a shellfish farm to make something "Taylor-made" for oysters.
Posted by: sailcocktail at April 30, 2007 6:31 AMFun post, Ronald!
Posted by: Culinary Fool at April 29, 2007 6:46 AMRonald,
We have discussed this, so this post is for your readers. In 1980, the late Jerry Bancherro, wine purveyor and bon vivant, gathered scores of wineries and beer distributors to a special taste off to determine which beverage went better with shellfish. It was a huge event with several hundred participants. Most of Washington's shellfish companies were present. The vote and concensus was that beer went better with shellfish. But no one was dissatisfied or unhappy if they voted in the minority; it seems everyone enjoyed this unique event. It was surely the seminal event to answer the age old question of the preferred beverage with shellfish. The oyster bar at Grand Central Station sells beer 3 to 1 with it's shooters.
That evening I met an interesting shellfish farmer who helped me buy a shellfish farm in Shelton which produces shellfish for some of Seattle's best restaurants and distributors to this day.
I love this topic and kudos to you for a tasty presentation. Dr. Joe