August 12, 2008

Dep't of Dubious Drinks, Summer Politics Edition

Obamarama%20cocktail.jpgChasing last week's patriotic cocktail (generically in support of the US Olympics team), this week brings a shot for Barack Obama. It comes from longtime restaurant impressario Jackie Roberts of The Pink Door:

2 oz. Crater Lake Vodka (hand crafted American vodka from Oregon ) WHY? Because he loves America

2 oz. Freshly pressed grape juice WHY? Because he's fresh!

1/2 oz. cointreau WHY? Because he has a sweet side

1/2 oz. freshly pressed lemon juice WHY? Because he HAS to win Florida

Just a whisper of curaçao to make the drink green WHY? Because he is serious about the environment.

Coincidentally, we hope, it's also the second straight use of Blue Curaçao in this (Dubious Drinks) series. Anyway, dubbed the Obama-Rama, the cocktail is served up in a sugared martini glass garnished with a frozen grape and a tiny American flag, decorated with glitter bling by Jackie's own hand.

Will set you back ten bucks, with a dollar of that going to Obama's presidential campaign. Have one on the shaded view deck, or during the nightly cabaret performances.

The Pink Door, 1919 Post Alley, 206-443-3421 Pink Door on Urbanspoon

Posted by Ronald Holden at August 12, 2008 3:39 PM | TrackBack

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And for McCain...gin and Geritol....a Gerigintini??

Posted by: Robert Jones at August 12, 2008 4:17 PM
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