Did I read this right? History prof in Georgia named Stephen Mihm writes, in the New York Times, that prisoners fed healthy food are less violent. Check it for yourself here.
If Prof. Mihm's theory is correct, it would explain why people in Seattle--occasional exceptions aside--are so damn nice: it's the omega-3 in all the salmon we eat.
Posted by Ronald Holden at April 16, 2006 7:49 PM
The International Kitchen
Cooking school vacations in Italy, France & Spain.
Part of the reason Seattle people are so nice is because they know they can purchase really fresh salmon practically "right of the boat" and literally so in some cases. Don't forget that Copper River is just weeks away! P.S. If you can find Yukon River salmon be sure and try it!
Posted by: David Lonay at April 17, 2006 3:18 PM