May 21, 2006

Getting fresh on the farm

Food Lust logo1.jpg Fall City Farm1.JPG

Farmers and fishers turned out: Willie Green's Organic Farm, Taylor Shellfish, Lopez Island Farm, Skagit River Ranch, Full Circle Farm, Whistling Train Farm,, Fall City Farms

Restaurant and catering chefs turned out: Herban Feast Catering, Kaspar's, 35th Street Bistro, Bon Appetit Management Co., Flying Fish.

Serious foodies turned out, too, most notably author and farmer Michael Ableman, who read from his new book, Fields of Plenty.

This was dinner at Fall City Farms in the shadow of Mount Si, a fundraiser for the Cascade Harvest Coalition. Reassuringly familiar phrases were spoken: sustainable agriculture, family farms, bridging the gap between urban and rural, connecting eater and farmer, one fork at a time.

And Ableman, who tended a 12-acre near Santa Barbara for 17 years ("I just wanted to grow the best tomatoes") now describes farming as "one big orgy." Applause from the well-fed crowd. Where do you stand? Oh, sure, agriculture is all about reproduction, but does that mean food is sex? Is the act of eating intimate? Or is it, rather, political?

Posted by Ronald Holden at May 21, 2006 10:00 AM

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Answer is yes, both, I think. The choice of what to eat is a political one and begins with the understanding that there are global consequences to every decision. But having made the choice (to eat locally-grown food, for example), one should aim for a satisfying sensory & sensual experience.

Trouble is, this all sounds so self-absorbed, so goddamn "liberal."

Posted by: Ronald at May 23, 2006 9:31 AM

"does that mean food is sex? Is the act of eating intimate? Or is it, rather, political?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" What do you want it to be? Can it be both? Why or why not?

Posted by: Dave at May 23, 2006 8:18 AM