January 7, 2007

Hawks win, so where's the beef?

Three years after describing a pot-au-feu in Paris, Cornichon returns to the boiled brisket with this culinary dispatch from Alex Mayer, publisher of the Belltown Messenger.

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If there's one thing I'm good at it's cooking something to death, and I didn't disappoint fans of my slow simmered meat dishes this Saturday after they tasted my patented "Seahawks Playoff Good Luck Corned Beef Brisket."

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I started at Seattle's Market House Corned beef, buying an 11 dollar, two pound brisket cut and shrink wrapped to order in conditions that would have horrified even the most desensitized health inspector. No matter - this thing would be slow simmered for a germ-killing four hours.

I filled my pot with water until the brisket was almost covered, then added some bay leaves, garlic and more peppercorns to the mix.

After three or so hours of cooking on low, with the lid on, in went a few onions and some carrots. And then some cabbage. Steamed some potatoes in a separate pot, with some parsley and butter. Served the whole deal with plenty of Gulden's mustard - this meal is the ultimate condiment vehicle, after all.

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My guests are not picky, but hey - I could boil a leather shoe for four hours with some spices and it would probably turn out tender. In the end the Seahawks won the most exciting playoff game in their history, and my guests enjoyed a hearty meal. The brisket is a step up from the salty, pickled slabs of corned beef available at the supermarket, but still thousands of miles away from the Carnegie Deli.

Ronald adds: Don't forget to serve with plenty of cornichons!

Posted by Ronald Holden at January 7, 2007 9:46 AM

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Looking at the menu, next time may I suggest a meritage? That's what I serve after trying several different grape-oriented wines. It should work well, depending on the seasoning.

Posted by: Dave L at January 8, 2007 12:05 PM

Trick question! Trick question !! I drank what was on hand: a choice between NZ sauv blanc (not so good), merlot-sangiovese blend from Tuscany (better but still not so good) and Heinekens (better, but didn't feel right). Needed something red, hearty & simple, like a beaujolais or Cote du Rhone, or a riesling with a bit (just a bit) of residual sweetness. Had plenty of time to go out and buy something, didn't I? Sigh.

Posted by: Ronald at January 7, 2007 1:37 PM

So, Ronald, what wine did you serve with the corned beef??

Posted by: Jack Fisher at January 7, 2007 1:23 PM