April 18, 2006

Hu's on first

Prez Hu of China is guest of honor at state dinner chez Gates tonight. Typical chicken-shit: Gov. Gregoire is official host but event is privately financed. Saving grace: decent wines! Would be hard-pressed to find two more worthy representatives of Washington viticulture than this pair:

csm_cr_chard_bottle.gif 2001_cabsauv.jpg

* Chateau Ste. Michelle, the 2003 Canoe Ridge Estate Chardonnay
* Leonetti Cellar in Walla Walla, the 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon

Both wines come from mature vineyards with well-identified characteristics; both exhibit the subtle signatures of their terroir rather than the flashy hands of a splashy winemaker. Elegant apple and citrus for the chard; ripe berries and cedar for the cab.

How civilized that our business and political elite can sit down with a visiting potentate without false modesty or phony displays of temperance, even if they did have to drum up corporate underwriting. Ya think the earnest voices protesting Hu's visit could raise a glass to the notion of cooperation, consensus & comity?

Posted by Ronald Holden at April 18, 2006 4:22 PM

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Ya think the earnest voices protesting Hu's visit could raise a glass to the notion of cooperation, consensus & comity?

I wonder what response those same protesters would have if they did the same thing in Beijing?

It was noted that Washington has exported 5 billion dollars of product to China and in return imported 60 billion dollars of product in 2005.

Better start practicing your Chinese and teaching it in public school.

Posted by: David Lonay at April 19, 2006 2:25 AM

Hu? He the one on first?

Posted by: Allan L. at April 18, 2006 5:32 PM