April 16, 2008

Obama is Grass-Fed, McCain is Corn-Fed


Clinton, of course, would be a Boca-Burger.

We all know the drill: you are what you eat. But does who you are also determine your presidential candidates? Are the late-night comedians right? Is Clinton butter to Obama's olive oil?

According to a story in today's New York Times McCain's supporters shop at Safeway, Clinton's at Whole Foods, Obama's at farmers markets.

All too easy. We're more than what's in our refrigerators and on our dinner plates. Besides, this sort of political analysis--equating Obama with the bitter herbs of farmers markets--marginalizes healthy eating as a practice limited to effete progressives. Nonsense. The pollsters have it backwards, as usual, confusing cause and effect. Sometimes I shop at Safeway, sometimes at Whole Foods, but I that doesn't mean I don't healthy-heart Obama.

Posted by Ronald Holden at April 16, 2008 11:00 AM | TrackBack

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Got this via email from Ethan Lowry, over at UrbanSpoon:

I just read your post on the Seattlest about the NYT article on politics and food. Did you see that we got mentioned in the accompanying article?


Referencing this post:


Kind of cool to get noticed by the Gray Lady, made us feel a thrill of legitimacy.

Hope you're doing well,

Posted by: Ronald at April 16, 2008 2:50 PM
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