June 1, 2006

Marriage counseling

Taittinger Champagne toasts last night in the Spanish Ballroom of the Fairmont Olympic. The French ambassador, His Excellency Jean-David Levitte, was in town to attend the 20th anniversary gala of the French-American Chamber of Commerce and used the occasion to describe the state of French American relations after two centuries: Lafayette, Pershing, Normandy, Iraq.

Back on track after a few troubled moments, he told the 200 guests. In short: "Over 220 years of marriage counseling."

Jack w Ambassador.JPG Medal ceremony.JPG Le Boeuf.JPG
FACC executive director Jack Cowan with French ambassador Jean-David Levitte; awarding medals; beef tenderloin.

Like any long-married couple, our interests are inextricably intertwined. US investment in France is responsible for 500,000 jobs while French investment in America ($150 billion) has created jobs for 600,000 workers here. A lot of French technology goes into the Boeing Dreamliner, while 40% of the new Airbus 380 is being built in the US. We have our differences, to be sure, but we're "best allies" nonetheless, with a lifetime of shared values.

Does this mean we can stop making rude-French-waiter jokes? Probably not. But "cheese-eating surrender-monkeys"? A bit much.

The real beef? On your plate, where it belongs. That would be the Fairmont's oven-roasted, center-cut American Kobe beef tenderloin topped with a shallot and oxtail braisage, encircled by a ring of Yukon Gold whipped potatoes and a melange of baby rainbow carrots. Along with a glass or two of Moulin-A-Vent from Georges Duboeuf, it was quite delicious.

Medals awarded to three Seattle stalwarts of the French community, Susan Gates (Evergreen Bank), Michel Robert (Les Boulangers Associes) and George Lyden (Peterson Cheese), for meritorious service to France. Felicitations, Madame, Messieurs.

Posted by Ronald Holden at June 1, 2006 2:15 PM

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Without the French in the 18th and 19th century, we might not be celebrating Independence Day. However, the tables turned, big time, in the 20th century and we have more than repaid the aid and assitance given us in our infant moments as a nation. Nevertheless, we should consider ourselves as good friends with the French with whom we share many virtues, ideals and concepts.

Posted by: David D at June 6, 2006 1:51 PM

Cher Ronald,

Merci for the kind words.


Posted by: Jack at June 5, 2006 5:15 PM