July 4, 2005

Snip, snip

It's Seattle's most recognizable haircut, sported by the young Argentinian tango dancer Eva Lucero. You may have caught sight of her in a recent Taco Bell TV spot, dancing with partner Patricio Touceda. As Cornichon readers know, they perform regularly at Buenos Aires Grill and maintain a full teaching schedule as well.

Haircut start.jpg Haircut midway.jpg Hiarcut checking.jpg

Eva's distinctive hair is the creation of multi-talented stylist Ludmilla, who just returned to Seattle from advanced training at the TiGi Academy in LA. Her fresh new techniques, trendy cuts, edgy styles and polished classic looks, available by appointment at the Lewis Fox Salon in the downtown Macy's.

To book a haircut by Ludmilla, call 206-332-0755. Then listen to her play jazz piano like nobody's business, Thursday evenings at District Lounge in Seattle's University Tower Hotel.

Lucy at District 2.jpg

Posted by Ronald Holden at July 4, 2005 6:27 PM

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I keep meaning to tell you how much I enjoy your postings! Any suggestions for a rose' to brighten up the table for these long al fresco summer evenings? We enjoyed a Yellow Hawk Rosato the other night.

Posted by: Robert Jones at July 29, 2005 7:24 AM

Cornichon doesn't have a "do," Robert. Cornichon, being pickled in brine, was "done" a long time ago!

Posted by: Ronald at July 4, 2005 7:25 PM

Ron -- When we gonna see you with your new do?

Posted by: RobertinSeattle at July 4, 2005 6:47 PM