Wow, I think, at last someone's gonna confess that they got a little snockered at the last Burgundy tasting! But no, the reporter, from the NY Times business staff, is shocked, shocked to learn that those 100-point scales are, like, totally bogus.
Misleading graphic accompanies NY Times column; the real thing in Vacqueyras
When are the gurus (Parker, Expectorator, etc.) and their disciples gonna learn? The only people who care about numbers are either ignorant wholesalers who wouldn't know grand cru from crude oil, or insufferable snobs whose palates need valet parking?
As for the Times, one wonders if the Business editors are even aware of the paper's food & wine coverage, let alone Eric Asimov's excellent blog, The Pour.
Posted by Ronald Holden at August 14, 2006 1:15 PM
French Chef Sally is my friend Sally McArthur, who hosts luxurious,
week-long cooking classes at the Chateau du Riveau in the Loire Valley.
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