January 14, 2006

Hawks 20, Skins 10

Was going to write about beer from Georgetown, a snappy pale ale called Manny's, but got distracted. Epic rainfall: 27 days & counting. Worst weather in memory. Ark jokes no longer funny.

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Historic football game: first playoff appearance for hapless Seahawks in decades. Best-ever season earns them home-team advantage, supposedly worth a "12th Man." Capacity crowd at Qwest Field raucous, capacity crowd at Sport Restaurant in Fisher Plaza pumped as well. TV monitors everywhere, unattached women everywhere! (Who knew?)

Order my Manny's, finally. Bartenders slammed. Endless draughts of Manny's, ESB and Bud, non-stop shots of tequila and Knob Creek, gallons of cosmos. Occasionally the kitchen sends out a burger or a pizza. Four women at bar down shots of Jaeger, then switch to greyhounds. Alexander fumbles, leaves game with concussion; bar goes quiet. Then Jackson catches TD pass; another round of Jaeger! Hasselbeck runs for TD, another! Hawks win! Euphoria!

Qwest Field1.JPG Victory hugs1.JPG

They're going to do this again next week. Without me, I suspect. Plan to file next report, about performance of Fledermaus, from Grand Tier at McCaw Hall.

Posted by Ronald Holden at January 14, 2006 8:51 PM

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