April 12, 2006

Yellow Polka-Dot Martini

The martinis already come in a bewildering array of colors & flavors at Tini Bigs, and they're adding even more. Owner Keith Robbins and GM Patrick Haight, authors of a comprehensive book of martini recipes, have come up with five newcomers: aloe vera & Bombay gin; pomegranate & ZipFizz powdered energy drink, green tea & ginger; roasted red peppers; and chocolate & chili pepper.

Tini Bigs GM Patrick Haight.JPG Brace of Vulcan tinis.JPG
Patrick Haight with aloe vera; chocolate & chili "Vulcan" martinis

Gulp. The aloe-tini smelled like hand lotion, the pomegranate concoction reminded me of grape KoolAid. The one based on green tea tasted medicinal, perhaps from the overly sweet Yazi Ginger Vodka. Wanted a skewer of shrimp to stir this one, to complement the lime and ginger flavors. A ceviche cocktail, perhaps.

Best combo was the Vulcan, though name that may not make the final cut when the winning drinks are released on Tuesday. [Burning Man-tini, anyone?] Good stuff. Starts with an infused pepper vodka called Mazama, gold-medal spirit from the artisanal Bend Distillery. Add some Godiva liqueur. Rim the glass with cocoa and powdered chilis. Float some cream and a pepper on top, and voila! the perfect dessert.

Trish and Lisa at Tini Bigs.JPG
Cheers, ladies!

Tini Bigs, 100 Denny Way, 206-284-0931 Tini Bigs Lounge on Urbanspoon

Posted by Ronald Holden at April 12, 2006 10:03 AM

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Since "hard" liquor is off limits to me, I can't comment on the combos, however I would like to comment on another aspect of your blog. I thought the "Best combo" from your article was the photo of the two ladies ;-)

Posted by: David Lonay at April 16, 2006 6:08 PM

Talent, David. Talent.

Posted by: Ronald at April 13, 2006 7:39 PM

Holden, you always have the blondes smiling! 'Must be your charisma, good looks et que sais-je encore!

Posted by: Morgy at April 13, 2006 6:15 PM

The "Volcun" was clever and incredible - Like liquid chocolate pudding with a frothy merangish whip cream on top with a cinnamon rim and a thin red spank'n hot chili pepper garnish to top it off - call it a Dessert Martini okay, but Spok on Star Trek would definately, "ante-up-to-the-Volcun-bar" for another one of these baby's, I'm sure!

Posted by: Lisa Hilderbrand at April 12, 2006 11:57 AM

Give me the classic Bombay Gin, some shaved ice, and two queen sized olives and call it good.

Posted by: Trisha Nerney at April 12, 2006 11:44 AM

Sounds like a rather scary collection of cocktails to me... I realize that there is room for all types of cocktail establishments in Seattle, I just wish that there were more around that treated these drinks with the serious craftsmanship that this cuisine deserved.

Posted by: Robert Hess at April 12, 2006 11:04 AM