April 10, 2006

Too much, too late

What's wrong with Seattle journalism? Look no further than the front page of today's Seattle Times and its pathetic story, headlined "They Needed a Six-Bedroom House".

Memo to the Times city editor: the time to run this would have two weeks ago, when it just might have been useful. But then, you guys were too focused on screechy-preachy pieces about the teen dance ordinance, weren't you? Better late than never? Nonsense.

Blue House on Capitol Hill
photo by Jimmy Clarke

The Stranger got it right the first time, without tone-deaf "Merry Prankster" references, thank you.

Posted by Ronald Holden at April 10, 2006 9:55 AM

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It's the flog-a-dead-horse school of journalism, easy to do once the beast has stopped breathing. Wait until a year from now, the First Anniversary stories ["...and has anything changed?"].

Posted by: Ronald at April 10, 2006 11:17 AM

I couldn't agree more. This happended WEEKS ago and the Seattle Times has had many front page spreads about this terrible event. This morning when I saw yet another lead story on the front page (which I did read to see, was there any new news?) of the Seattle Times......I have to say, "When does this become a fixation, a glorifcation?" We are past that point.....

Posted by: Deb at April 10, 2006 10:58 AM