July 16, 2005

The Real Bastille Deal

Allons, mes enfants! On va faire la fête!

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Enjoying snacks at Le Pichet.jpg

Let's start the party with a glass of Veuve Clicquot poured at Seattle Cellars by Cindy Sido of Alaska Distributors. Then we head to Le Pichet, where chef and co-owner Jim Drohman has drawn door duty. Inside, the menu is pared down to sandwiches, frites and crèpes, with gypsy-jazz guitar music to enhance the mood.

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At Campagne, a distinct upstairs-downstairs flavor. Chef Daisley Gordon presides over a $65 prix fixe dinner that starts with quenelle de poisson, a halibut dumpling topped with whitefish caviar. Sous chef Nikki Schiebel did the actual cooking; Gordon inspects, wipes and dispatches.

Pouring wine at Cafe Campagne1.jpg Musicians at Cafe Campagne.jpg

In the alley behind Café Campagne, there's a crowd scarfing up $5 merguez sausages, downing goblets of wine and listening to French music.

And at Maximilien, another accordionist, bleu-blanc-rouge balloons and a $34 prix fixe menu.

Balloons at Maximilien.jpg Accordionist at Maximilien.jpg

Fireworks? Not in Seattle. Need to be content with memories of the Eiffel Tower and feu d'artifice from a couple of summers back.

Waiting for fireworks1.jpg Boy watching Bastille Day fireworks1.jpg

Posted by Ronald Holden at July 16, 2005 2:54 AM

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